Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Elephant Seal Messenger

Such a soulful face, worn and resting from a journey of up to 14,000 miles

(or so a sign by the visitors center read)
We came upon this young male elephant seal on our visit to Drake's Beach.

(Photo below) My ex-husband worked his way down to be in the picture to help with perspective. Note how our seal friend is keeping an eye on him.

I am regarding the elephant seal as a totem messenger and have spent a little time over the past two days researching what that message might be. There was very little regarding Elephant Seals, only a brief note in Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews simply noteing Elephant Seals are the largest of the seal family . . . and most references found in books and on the internet note that seals (including Elephant seals) and sea lions are different with one main feature discussed . . . that being seals don't have external ears, only small openings. The spiritual take on this difference is 'listening internally', listening to ones inner voice. Since Elephant Seals are in the Seal family, I went with what was offered regarding seals. Another factor about Seals that caught my attention was the fact that they live mostly at sea yet give birth on land . . . again this speaks to ones intuitive nature and subconscious (swimming in the seas) and bringing one's creative thoughts to fruition (birthing our creations) . . . what a perfect symbol for the Station of Emergence in my SOA spiritual workings.

I am still curious about the male energy (as it was a male elephant seal), then again we might not have noticed it was an elephant seal right off if it was not male as only the males have the defining feature of the extended proboscis (nose). However another message from seal that was mentioned is that of balancing (ah, my mantra - BALANCE) . . . and here we had a male who emerged from a very feminine element (water, the ocean).

Either way, the encounter with this fellow came at an interesting time for me . . . for all he symbolizes, he is in tune with the emerging energies I am working with spiritually and the creative energies I am laboring to bring into form . . . this blog is part of the birthing of my creative expression and in many ways a returning to myself (as I feel I have been on vacation from myself for the past year!) I respond to the message of trusting ones intuition and delving deeper into the subconscious, not only to gestate creative ideas but to come face to face with ones shadows . . . eventually both need to be brought to light (birthed so to speak) We need to have outlets to express ourselves creatively and we need to bring our shadows to light to free the energy that shadow try to use up (with fear, anger, anxiety). Seal also reminds to go with the flow of the current . . . to be playful . . . to rest when needed . . . and whereas this fellow was alone (we need alone time too) seals also form communities. I figure it is time to visit Goat Rock Beach soon to observe the colony of seals that come ashore there to pup. It might help me relate more with the community and relationships message.

Elephant Seal ~ Drake's Beach
Drake's Beach, Point Reyes Station
February 15, 2010
by Dawn NicDarrah


  1. Yay - great to find you here, great blog! Good to hear that you are emerging from the shadows and feeling more like yourself.

  2. Emerging has been slow, but progress is being made. I really look forward to reconnecting. I owe you an email!
